Cómo la infraestructura determina el clima del planeta
El cambio climático es una realidad y ya podemos observar las consecuencias de un planeta con temperaturas más elevadas.
Raise your voice!
Our planet needs change promoters to engage in debate and public conversation. In taking action locally, urge leaders, companie.
La población está por llegar a los 8 mil millones, ¿la tierra lo soportará?
La Organización de las Naciones Unidas ha presentado sus estimaciones y proyecciones demográficas y sugiere que, en 2022, el planeta alcanzará
El sol, la fuente de energía más abundante del planeta
El sol es la fuente de energía más abundante en el planeta tierra y es el factor que ha permitido la vida como la conocemos
Why are bees essential to people and the planet?
Bees are part of the biodiversity on which we all depend for our survival.
They provide high-quality food —honey, royal jelly and pollen —
10 tips for traveling more responsibly
Each year, almost 1.2 billion people travel abroad, making travel and tourism one of the largest industries in the world.
Adapt and survive: 5 ways to help countries cope with the climate crisis
From devastating floods in Pakistan, to wildfires in Siberia, the effects of the climate emergency are being felt across the world
Permaculture, an alliance with nature
A science, a philosophy, a cycle. Yes, permaculture is that and much more, it’s even considered a possible solution to the environmental crisis that we’re living in.
Climate action from Tierra Jiasú
It’s strange to think that somewhere in the cosmos there is a planet made for us; an oasis in the immensity of space, a home emanating light and life.
A new sunrise
Awakening goes beyond opening your eyes, it is creating awareness, observing, feeling, listening… it is wanting a change, making it different. We work in a permanent and sustainable culture.